Thursday, April 14, 2011

The Awesome Gift!

The third post below has some newness as compared to the previous two!
The change is that in the first two posts I just mentioned my comment lines but kept the names of the bloggers  undisclosed, as well as their posts on which I have made the comments, so that it would grow curiosity for anyone to attempt to track the truth through a guessing and searching game, a puzzling fun!
But, in this third post, I have disclosed the blogger friend's name, but not the comment lines of mine, which have been a part of the post below, and neither the post of his/ hers on which I have lately made a comment - just another guessing-cum-challenging game for anyone to dig out the hidden comment lines and the name of the post.
Perhaps, it is the first game of its own kind among bloggers so far!

Hello, blogger friend Balqis!
I extend to you heartiest thanks for finding my blog awesome!
It's the biggest award from a true friend, bigger than anything else!!!
No bounds are known to my bliss!
No doubt your Stylish Blogger Award gift is really winsome!!
Overwhelmed with joys, I have felt friendship the greatest and nothing else!!!

There's been a dramatic shift!
From disheartening hopelessness up to healing hopefulness!!
I'd love such an awesome gift!
It is my great pleasure to accept your offer with no miss!!

As one of the terms or  rules, I have tried to share 
SEVEN RANDOM FACTS about myself. 
Here you are:

1. Well, I don't have any particular color as my favourite one. Each and every color seems to be of a unique value in its own place. Yet, I suppose BROWN color feels to be adding more gravity to my thoughts and actions to create something and maintain the balance.

2. To the best of my feeling, the theme I have selected for the blog has, so far, imparted the rays of hope  for me to get inspired and to explore something precious scattered all around.

3. Friendship, as I have understood, means at least faith, fairness and frankness but with good respect to friend's dignity and self-respect.

4. I generally get bemused by how fate has treated me, since my first aim in the life was to be an electrical engineer but I was tossed into the frame of a language facilitator, the fifth, may-be, the last choice. Yet, I am enjoying it!   

5. I so often feel like spending several minutes of a complete solitude to dive deep into the state of nothingness in the mind. It makes me feel innerly calm, composed and comfortable as some sort of meditation.

            6. I am in the habit of speaking my mind in regard to making a comment, which may add a plus or minus point to my share.
And, it might cause some uneasiness to others, I fear.

7. I like to respect all those older than me by age irrespective of castes, creeds or occupations so I can't help using honorific words even to sweepers and beggars.
      That's why I feel I have been an ODD-MAN-OUT in several situations.      

Really, so elated to have had some space in such NOMINATION!
Now, just prepared to fly to other friends with no wings!!
Very sorry to have failed to have fifteen awesome blogs to mention!
A bit confused and scared at how blogger friend's mood swings!!


Dear friends, just a funny game to grow friendship, you see!
Here are you bloggers with your blogs that have charmed me!!

02. Geeta Singh ―
07. Reut Rashook ―
09. Nessassy ― 

Now let me offer you all CONGRATULATIONS and request you to have a post with the award presented above and take some pains in writing 7 random facts about yourselves and pass the AWARD to other 15 bloggers who you believe deserve it.

Let's share a Great Fun to Grow Friendship Bonds to know and to be known better, shall we?